Thursday, December 13, 2007

"Anything can happen on a snow day"

As the days are winding down on my high school career, everything seems to be happening for the last time. Could today have been the very last time I will ever wake up to read "Regional District #1 - Schools Closed"?

Will I ever again be able to ceremoniously dance around in my boxer briefs before collapsing back into a deep sleep?

Probably. I mean, it's only December. We're bound to get plenty winter weather in the coming months. But this just shows me that I can't take anything for granted. As excited as I am to wake up from the recurring suburban nightmare that has plagued me for 18 years, I'm still going to miss the simple pleasures of adolescence, snow days being a significant one.

and also, what am I going to do about Stephanie? This chick is out of control. Yeah, so I had very real feelings for her for an extended period of time, but I've made it clear to her on more than one occasion that those feelings have changed. Now she's psycho and obsessed with texting ominous messages like:

"You can't have your cake and eat it too," or
"You're not worth my time. Or my tears."

What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Yeah, she's always been a tad dramatic, but this is extreme, even for her.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

"We're always open"

"We're always open"
stated a brightly colored sign posted on the door of a local McDonald's.
The irony? It was locked.
The restaurant was still open for business however.
Me and my friend Elyse just had to proceed to a different entrance.

False Advertising, for real.

But besides that little fast-food mishap, life has been going particularly well lately. I've now classified myself as a "social addict" when it comes to cigarettes, which basically means I smoke regularly but i just bum them off of everyone instead of coughing up 5 dollars to buy a pack myself. Plus it allows me to continue saying, "No, I don't really smoke."

My weekends have also been getting better and better. This weekend I managed to get baked Friday night and sloshed Saturday night, and still make it to work for 7 am each of the following mornings. (Of course, an immeasurable amount of caffeine was involved) This success has given my ego a boost it most certainly didn't need - now I feel almost invincible. I mean, if a 6:05 wake up call can't hinder my good time, what can?

But the oncoming pressures of college application deadlines are threatening to put a damper on my newfound state of contentedness...

Side note: if anyone is tempted to give James Blunt's cover of PB & J's "Young Folks" a listen, DON'T. It sucks more than a transvestite prostitute supporting her addiction to crystal meth.

So, in short, I should be stressed about college, homework, and money. I mean I spend about 50 bucks a weekend on drugs, booze, gas, and food (arguably life's 4 essential components). But in reality? I'm not stressed. I'm going to get into college. I'm going to get my homework done. If everyone else followed my lead and chilled the fuck out, we might actually start having some fun in this town.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween = Epic

It's hard to pinpoint the exact moment i knew this was going to be a good halloween. But from the very start to the very close everything seemed to just fall into place . Seems fate was on our side this All Hallows.

We were driving tonight and saw a bunch of pre-teen drama queens walking around our friend's neighborhood, and some other worldy force compelled me to roll down the window and shout "YOU'RE ALL BROKEN".

The rest of the night is a haze; a blend of quicksand and candy corn, attacking bonfires and killer dip, dialated pupils and Deja Entendu. Epic is the only word that seems to fit.
Field trip to NYC tmrw? Anyone? Anyone?

I have an inkling that I'm gonna read this blog tmrw and regret using the word inkling in this sentance.

and then I'll just regret it all. so read quick before i realize the error of my ways and start deleting. because this may be the one time you'll hear me. I'm about to pass out on the couch with Pink Floyd: The Wall playing on the tv (it's on vh1 movies that rock as we speak). I'll set the sleep timer and drift off into oblivion. Oblivious. So fucking oblivious.

Maybe they were all broken.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Trick or treat, smell my feet

How old is too old?
The Hartford Courant asked that very question in an article in today's Life section: how old is too old to still go out trick or treating on Halloween?

"They come knocking on Lisette Rodrigues' door every year, holding forth their bulky pillowcases and looking a tad too old for this trick-or-treat business."

What's your problem "Lisette"? Halloween is supposed to be about fun and the spirit of youth. All those stingy housewives who only want to buy one bag of candy can get the fuck over it. If a teenager rings your doorbell and says "Trick or Treat", he better be recieved with a warm smile and an open candy dish. Nobody wants to get a disapproving scowl, or to be asked the infamous question, "Aren't you a little old to still be trick or treating?"

"Arms outstretched and mumbling the universal password for "Give me candy," these teenagers stand unabashedly in jeans and baggy sweat shirts. "

First of all, most teenagers that I've observed who go trick or treating do wear some semblance of a costume, even if this just means a mask or a wig. And contrary to "Lisette" and this reporter's beleif, Halloween for teens isn't primarily about free Skittles and Kit-Kats. It's about nostalgia; we're at a pivotal point in our adolescence, still clinging to the last threads of our youth before we have to shed our costumes and grow up for good. (the Reese's Peanut Butter cups are just a plus).

Either way, the moral of the story is shut the fuck up Hartford Courant, and let teenagers frolic from door to door as they please. Until I'm a creepy middle aged man knocking on your door and begging for something sweet, get off my back.

oh, ps. watch this trailer

Sunday, October 28, 2007

If you have 140 minutes to spare

Go and see the movie "Into the Wild."

I promise you won't regret it. I saw the film today and I was blown away; it was a perfect ending to my otherwise anticlimactic weekend. I was reluctant at first, expecting 2 hours and 20 minutes of Emile Herche in the woods looking for berries. I couldn't have been more wrong; "Into the Wild" is a cinematographic work of art. I don't want to give away any major plot points, but it's basically about a recent college graduate (played by Herche) who says goodbye to all his material posessions, and sets off on a road trip of self discovery without a car, a plan, or money. His only goal is to reach Alaska, and to have a 'great alaskan adventure'. The reasons for his journey are unclear, but he is seemingly fueled by an instinctual love for nature and a grudge against the human race due to a tumultuous upbringing in an abusive household. Interested yet?

Of course I envy his nomadic lifestyle, and I consider myself a fairly independent and spontaneous person. But could I ever really pack up, abandon my family and friends, and attempt to survive on my own? No, probably not. I like my computer, my ipod, my friends, and my bed. Although now, I really do want to go to Alaska in the springtime, it looks legit.

On a more personal note, my weekend was pretty typical. Friday I skipped my school's 'Halloween Dance', and spent the evening at home, catching up on sleep: a much needed night in. Suprisingly, the idea of sweaty underclassmen in costumes rubbing up against one another just didn't tickle my fancy. Saturday night, I went to my friend Elyse's house around 8:30. Her parents were away, so you can probably imagine the cerimonious activities that we participated in: beer pong, getting stoned, beer pong, etc. I left mad early, before 10, to go to my other friend's house; he was having people over too and I had promised to make and appearance. Let me just tell you now, this was a huge mistake. His "get-together" consisted of 8 people gathered around a coffee table taking shots of cheap vodka while Scary Movie 3 played in the background on an oversized TV. Shitty booze, and an even shittier movie. Now that's a party. I was conviniently still stoned, so I didn't complain, all I could do was sit in silence as I watched what was left of my Saturday evening disinegrate into monotony.

So, I guess it's safe to say if I didn't see "Into the Wild" this afternoon, my weekend could have been classified as lame. Thus I repeat, SEE THE MOVIE. That's no longer a suggestion, it's an order.