Sunday, October 28, 2007

If you have 140 minutes to spare

Go and see the movie "Into the Wild."

I promise you won't regret it. I saw the film today and I was blown away; it was a perfect ending to my otherwise anticlimactic weekend. I was reluctant at first, expecting 2 hours and 20 minutes of Emile Herche in the woods looking for berries. I couldn't have been more wrong; "Into the Wild" is a cinematographic work of art. I don't want to give away any major plot points, but it's basically about a recent college graduate (played by Herche) who says goodbye to all his material posessions, and sets off on a road trip of self discovery without a car, a plan, or money. His only goal is to reach Alaska, and to have a 'great alaskan adventure'. The reasons for his journey are unclear, but he is seemingly fueled by an instinctual love for nature and a grudge against the human race due to a tumultuous upbringing in an abusive household. Interested yet?

Of course I envy his nomadic lifestyle, and I consider myself a fairly independent and spontaneous person. But could I ever really pack up, abandon my family and friends, and attempt to survive on my own? No, probably not. I like my computer, my ipod, my friends, and my bed. Although now, I really do want to go to Alaska in the springtime, it looks legit.

On a more personal note, my weekend was pretty typical. Friday I skipped my school's 'Halloween Dance', and spent the evening at home, catching up on sleep: a much needed night in. Suprisingly, the idea of sweaty underclassmen in costumes rubbing up against one another just didn't tickle my fancy. Saturday night, I went to my friend Elyse's house around 8:30. Her parents were away, so you can probably imagine the cerimonious activities that we participated in: beer pong, getting stoned, beer pong, etc. I left mad early, before 10, to go to my other friend's house; he was having people over too and I had promised to make and appearance. Let me just tell you now, this was a huge mistake. His "get-together" consisted of 8 people gathered around a coffee table taking shots of cheap vodka while Scary Movie 3 played in the background on an oversized TV. Shitty booze, and an even shittier movie. Now that's a party. I was conviniently still stoned, so I didn't complain, all I could do was sit in silence as I watched what was left of my Saturday evening disinegrate into monotony.

So, I guess it's safe to say if I didn't see "Into the Wild" this afternoon, my weekend could have been classified as lame. Thus I repeat, SEE THE MOVIE. That's no longer a suggestion, it's an order.

1 comment:

ETP said...

LOL at least someone had a good night, someone being ME. I'm pretty proud I successfully pulled that shit off.