Monday, October 29, 2007

Trick or treat, smell my feet

How old is too old?
The Hartford Courant asked that very question in an article in today's Life section: how old is too old to still go out trick or treating on Halloween?

"They come knocking on Lisette Rodrigues' door every year, holding forth their bulky pillowcases and looking a tad too old for this trick-or-treat business."

What's your problem "Lisette"? Halloween is supposed to be about fun and the spirit of youth. All those stingy housewives who only want to buy one bag of candy can get the fuck over it. If a teenager rings your doorbell and says "Trick or Treat", he better be recieved with a warm smile and an open candy dish. Nobody wants to get a disapproving scowl, or to be asked the infamous question, "Aren't you a little old to still be trick or treating?"

"Arms outstretched and mumbling the universal password for "Give me candy," these teenagers stand unabashedly in jeans and baggy sweat shirts. "

First of all, most teenagers that I've observed who go trick or treating do wear some semblance of a costume, even if this just means a mask or a wig. And contrary to "Lisette" and this reporter's beleif, Halloween for teens isn't primarily about free Skittles and Kit-Kats. It's about nostalgia; we're at a pivotal point in our adolescence, still clinging to the last threads of our youth before we have to shed our costumes and grow up for good. (the Reese's Peanut Butter cups are just a plus).

Either way, the moral of the story is shut the fuck up Hartford Courant, and let teenagers frolic from door to door as they please. Until I'm a creepy middle aged man knocking on your door and begging for something sweet, get off my back.

oh, ps. watch this trailer


ETP said...


ETP said...

p.s. that was way funny.

"Until I'm a creepy middle aged man knocking on your door and begging for something sweet, get off my back."

and I have no idea what I'm going to be. Probably just throw my hair in braids with my head band, wear my top w/ necklaces and call it a day. Or Pocahontas. Fuck the skirt. Wayy too cold.