Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween = Epic

It's hard to pinpoint the exact moment i knew this was going to be a good halloween. But from the very start to the very close everything seemed to just fall into place . Seems fate was on our side this All Hallows.

We were driving tonight and saw a bunch of pre-teen drama queens walking around our friend's neighborhood, and some other worldy force compelled me to roll down the window and shout "YOU'RE ALL BROKEN".

The rest of the night is a haze; a blend of quicksand and candy corn, attacking bonfires and killer dip, dialated pupils and Deja Entendu. Epic is the only word that seems to fit.
Field trip to NYC tmrw? Anyone? Anyone?

I have an inkling that I'm gonna read this blog tmrw and regret using the word inkling in this sentance.

and then I'll just regret it all. so read quick before i realize the error of my ways and start deleting. because this may be the one time you'll hear me. I'm about to pass out on the couch with Pink Floyd: The Wall playing on the tv (it's on vh1 movies that rock as we speak). I'll set the sleep timer and drift off into oblivion. Oblivious. So fucking oblivious.

Maybe they were all broken.

1 comment:

ETP said...

What the fuck? ahahaha
um maybe you should preface this whole blog with "I SMOKED A LOT OF SALVIA." that people don't think you're crazy.