Thursday, December 13, 2007

"Anything can happen on a snow day"

As the days are winding down on my high school career, everything seems to be happening for the last time. Could today have been the very last time I will ever wake up to read "Regional District #1 - Schools Closed"?

Will I ever again be able to ceremoniously dance around in my boxer briefs before collapsing back into a deep sleep?

Probably. I mean, it's only December. We're bound to get plenty winter weather in the coming months. But this just shows me that I can't take anything for granted. As excited as I am to wake up from the recurring suburban nightmare that has plagued me for 18 years, I'm still going to miss the simple pleasures of adolescence, snow days being a significant one.

and also, what am I going to do about Stephanie? This chick is out of control. Yeah, so I had very real feelings for her for an extended period of time, but I've made it clear to her on more than one occasion that those feelings have changed. Now she's psycho and obsessed with texting ominous messages like:

"You can't have your cake and eat it too," or
"You're not worth my time. Or my tears."

What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Yeah, she's always been a tad dramatic, but this is extreme, even for her.

1 comment:

ETP said...

She's trying to get a reaction out of you- she wants you to be her knight in shining armor that will rescue her from her misery.

Not gonna happen, bitch.
Why? Cause she sucks.

Plain and simple.